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  • Better reading experience, Custom commands for Notion and more.

Better reading experience, Custom commands for Notion and more.

This extension tricks your brain into reading faster 🤯

Hey there,

Welcome 👋 to all the new members who have joined us during this week. Thank you for joining along, I really appreciate you and hope you find these emails useful.

Before we get started, I'd highly appreciate if you can move this email to your primary inbox, so you don't miss the newsletter and it doesn't land in promotional emails.

If there's something that interests you and you want to talk about then don’t hesitate to reach out, I'm just a message away.


The Toolbox 🧰

Did you know that your brain reads faster than your eye? While that might not solve the puzzle for you - Bionic Reading is more like tricking your brain, we as humans store learned words and so just a few letters are enough to recognize whole words.

Now, what bionic reader does is pretty interesting - It Just shows you enough alphabets from a word and tricks your brain to reading it faster. In this similar fashion, check it out.

Minty Snippets is a productivity tool that allows you to create boilerplate text templates that you can personalize on the fly. Minty Snippets is great for optimizing your job search with a personalized cover letter, sales pitch or email, now with a convenient hotkey flow.

Minty just makes it so easy to have the most used text snippets, just a simple click away. I've recently tested it out and it works like a charm.

Slashy is a Chrome extension that lets you create custom commands for Notion. Make camera and audio recordings, draw, create reusable components and more without leaving Notion.

One of my favourite makers Alyssa recently came out with this and like all the other things she's made, it's amazing and simple to use + it's absolutely free.

Get rid of cookie warnings from almost all websites, that's the subline they go with.

In most cases, it just blocks or hides cookie related pop-ups. When it's needed for the website to work properly, it will automatically accept the cookie policy for you (sometimes it will accept all and sometimes only necessary cookie categories, depending on what's easier to do). It doesn't delete cookies.

As always, you can always write to me if you have any suggestions or feedback @fardeenxyz or simply reply to this email.

Have a great weekend ✌️