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  • Announcing giveaway winners 🥳, create SOPs on the fly.

Announcing giveaway winners 🥳, create SOPs on the fly.

Create team guides in minutes, text-to-image and another bookmarking tool.

Hey there,

Welcome 👋 to 2 new members who have joined us during this week. Thank you for joining along, I really appreciate you and hope you find these emails useful.

Announcing the giveaway winners for BrandBird App, the winners are Tara and John, to claim your coupon - reply to this email and I'll set it up for you ✨

Before we get started, I'd highly appreciate if you can move this email to your primary inbox, so you don't miss the newsletter and it doesn't land in promotional emails.

If there's something that interests you and you want to talk about then don’t hesitate to reach out, I'm just a message away.


The Toolbox 🧰

Using text to image extension you can easily convert any text to an image on the fly. Select text by writing it down in any text box or directly from any webpage and then right click to see an option 'Text to image' then you can copy the image to your clipboard or download it.

write anywhere → select the text →copy/download the image (This is just amazing, if you post regularly on twitter or LinkedIn but there might be some other cool use-cases too)

Marklog is the new kid on the block when it comes to bookmarking tools, it's not feature rich but has some great potential imo, for now it lets you import your twitter bookmarks and finally, you can search through your twitter bookmarks.

The browser extension works pretty fine and the best thing about saving links to marklog is, it assigns tags automatically and you can also save the links to your telegram group and they're synced with marklog automagically ✨

Save web content or screen capture directly to Google Drive.

Save to Drive is a life saver, you can collect a lot of the web content right into your google drive - one particular use-case is to use it for saving inspirations as a creative, store images, graphics, illustrations, screenshots and more.

The Save to Google Drive Chrome extension helps you save web content or browser screenshots to your Google Drive.• Adds a browser action to save the current page.• Adds a right-click context menu to save hyperlinks and media. • Configurable through an options page.• Save a PDF of the current page via the Chrome Print menu

🎥 Scribe

Auto-generate step-by-step guides for FREE. Scribe saves any team 20+ hours a month with instant process documentation, complete with text and screenshots.

All you have to do is click “record” and go through the process you want to share. Scribe monitors your clicks and keystrokes to instantly create your guide. Answer questions, build SOPs and train teammates FAST.

As always, you can always write to me if you have any suggestions or  feedback @fardeenxyz or simply reply to this email.

Have a great weekend ✌️